Buddy Greene - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart / Tender Love and Care Lyrics

Since Jesus Came Into My Heart / Tender Love and Care Lyrics

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o'er my soul
Like the sea billows roll
Since Jesus came into my heart

I had wandered o'er endless highways
Needing a reason to carry on
Life was troubled and so trying
I felt that all my strength was gone
But praise the Lord, He found me there
Kept me from sinking in my despair
He saved my soul by his mercy
Gave me His tender love and care

When there was no one left to guide me
Well He was right there by my side
I heard His message of forgiveness
And I had nothing left to hide
I turned it over to my Jesus
Asked Him to save me from my sins
He heard my prayer and He answered
"Heaven is waiting, so come on in!"

Now that I've found Him I'll never leave Him
I know that He'll be faithful and true
He's my savior and all of these things
He's done for me He'll do for you
Where he leads me I will follow
And His love I'll gladly share
I'll never worry 'cause He's always
There with His tender love and care


Where He leads me I will follow
And His love I'll gladly share
I'll never worry 'cause He's always
There with His tender love and care

Since Jesus Came Into My Heart / Tender Love and Care Video

Since Jesus Came Into My Heart / Tender Love and Care Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is a timeless Christian hymn that has been touching hearts and souls for over a century. Written by Rufus H. McDaniel and Charles H. Gabriel, the song has been recorded and performed by countless artists and choirs, including Buddy Greene, who released his version of the song in his album "Tender Love and Care."

The song's lyrics revolve around the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love, grace, and salvation in a person's life. It speaks of the joy, peace, and hope that come with accepting Jesus as one's Lord and Savior, and how this decision can change a person's life forever.

The Lyrics of "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"

Since Jesus came into my heart
Since Jesus came into my heart
Floods of joy o'er my soul
Like the sea billows roll
Since Jesus came into my heart

I had wandered o'er endless highways
Needing a reason to carry on
Life was troubled and so trying
I felt that all my strength was gone

But praise the Lord, He found me there
Kept me from sinking in my despair
He saved my soul by his mercy
Gave me His tender love and care

When there was no one left to guide me
Well He was right there by my side
I heard His message of forgiveness
And I had nothing left to hide

I turned it over to my Jesus
Asked Him to save me from my sins
He heard my prayer and He answered
"Heaven is waiting, so come on in!"

Now that I've found Him I'll never leave Him
I know that He'll be faithful and true
He's my savior and all of these things
He's done for me He'll do for you

Where he leads me I will follow
And His love I'll gladly share
I'll never worry 'cause He's always
There with His tender love and care

The Meaning of "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"

"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is a testimony of how Jesus Christ can transform a person's life, filling it with joy, peace, and hope. The song speaks of the struggles and challenges of life, and how the love and grace of Jesus can provide the strength and guidance needed to overcome them.

The first verse of the song speaks of the joy that floods the soul when Jesus comes into a person's heart. This joy is compared to the rolling waves of the sea, which are powerful, refreshing, and uncontainable. The imagery suggests that the joy that comes from knowing Jesus is inexhaustible and can fill a person's life to the brim.

The second verse describes the desperation and hopelessness that can come with living a life without Jesus. The endless highways and troubled life represent the struggles and challenges that people face in their everyday lives. The lyrics suggest that without Jesus, life can feel pointless and overwhelming, and one can feel like they have no strength left to carry on.

However, the third verse speaks of the transformation that can happen when a person accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The song describes how Jesus found the narrator in their despair and saved their soul through his mercy. The emphasis on Jesus's "tender love and care" suggests that Jesus's love is not only powerful but also compassionate and gentle, providing comfort and healing to a hurting soul.

The fourth verse speaks of the freedom and forgiveness that come with accepting Jesus. The narrator describes how they turned their sins over to Jesus and received forgiveness. The assurance that "Heaven is waiting" suggests that the narrator has been saved and is now guaranteed a place in heaven.

The final verse speaks of the narrator's commitment to follow Jesus wherever he leads them. The verse also emphasizes that the love and grace Jesus has shown the narrator are available to anyone who accepts him as their Lord and Savior.

The Inspiration and Story Behind "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"

The story behind "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is not well-documented, but we know that it was written by Rufus H. McDaniel and Charles H. Gabriel and first published in 1914. Both McDaniel and Gabriel were prolific hymn writers and composers, with Gabriel having written over 7,000 hymns in his lifetime.

It is unclear what inspired McDaniel and Gabriel to write "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart." However, the song's lyrics reflect the experiences and struggles that many people face in their lives. The song speaks of wandering through endless highways, feeling lost and alone, and needing a reason to carry on. It speaks of the hopelessness and despair that can come with living a life without Jesus.

The song's lyrics also reflect the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love and grace. It speaks of the joy, peace, and hope that come with accepting Jesus as one's Lord and Savior, and how this decision can change a person's life forever.

Bible Verses That "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" References

"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is a testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ, and the lyrics reference several Bible verses that speak to this power.

One of the verses that the song references is John 1:12, which says, "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." The song speaks of the freedom and forgiveness that come with accepting Jesus, and this verse emphasizes that when we receive Jesus, we become children of God.

Another verse that the song references is Psalm 107:1, which says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." The song speaks of the joy and gratitude that come with knowing Jesus, and this verse emphasizes that God's love endures forever.

The song also references Romans 10:9, which says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." The song speaks of turning one's sins over to Jesus and receiving forgiveness, and this verse emphasizes that confessing Jesus as Lord and believing in him is the way to salvation.

Practical Applications of "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart"

"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is a song that speaks to the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love and grace. It is a reminder that no matter what struggles and challenges we face in life, Jesus is always there to provide comfort, guidance, and strength.

One practical application of this song is to remind ourselves of the power of Jesus's love and grace. When we face difficult times, we can turn to Jesus and trust that he will provide the strength and guidance we need to overcome them.

Another practical application of this song is to share the love and grace of Jesus with others. The song speaks of how the narrator will "never worry 'cause He's always there with His tender love and care." We can share this love and care with others by showing compassion, kindness, and generosity to those around us.


"Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" is a timeless Christian hymn that speaks to the transformative power of Jesus Christ's love and grace. The song's lyrics reflect the struggles and challenges that people face in their lives, and how accepting Jesus as one's Lord and Savior can bring joy, peace, and hope.

We've explored the meaning of the song, the story behind it, some Bible verses it references, and some practical applications of the song to Christian living. May this song be a reminder of the power and love of Jesus Christ in our lives, and may we share this love and grace with others.

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